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Yuri Ximenes Martins

Academic Interest

Interested in abstraction in its many instances and applied to different fields, mainly Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy. Act in different areas, including Category Theory, Algebraic Topology, Gauge Theory, Gravitation, Astrophysics and in formal aspects of Philosophy of Science.




Advising Experience



Teaching Experience

Graduate level

Undergraduate level

Selected Talks

Community Services

Additional Information

List of Unpublished Notes

  1. A Crash Course on General Relativity and Stellar Structure,
  2. Calculus on Rn\mathbb{R}^n , ~15 pages.
  3. Categorical and Homotopical Aspects of Gauge Theories, with D. Teixeira, ~20 pages.
  4. de Rham Cohomology: Short Notes, Physics and Problems, ~10 pages
  5. Enrichment and Internalization, ~40 pages.
  6. From Categories to Fubini Theorem ~30 pages.
  7. Geometry of Vector Bundles, ~50 pages.
  8. Homotopy in the Complex Plane, ~10 pages.
  9. Introduction to Category Theory and Algebraic Topology, ~60 pages.
  10. Introduction to Formal Aspects of Classical and Quantum Mechanics, ~60 pages.
  11. Introduction to Formal Aspects of General Relativity, ~50 pages.
  12. Introduction to Manifolds, ~60 pages.
  13. Introduction to Topological Methods in Physics, ~50 pages.
  14. Introduction to Topological Quantum Field Theories
  15. Notes on Differentiable Manifolds, ~40 pages.
  16. Notes on Topological Manifolds, ~30 pages.
  17. Perturbative Gauge Theories, ~70 pages.
  18. The Abelian Category of Abelian Sheaves, ~10 pages.
  19. Topics in Differential Topology: Brower Degree and Morse Theory, ~30 pages.
  20. Topics in Metric Spaces, ~30 pages.
  21. Topological Terms in Classical Field Theories, ~30 pages.
  22. Topology and Homotopy of Metric Spaces, ~55 pages.
  23. Relativistic Stars, ~40 pages.
  24. Stellar Structure: Towards a Formal Theory, ~40 pages.

Expanded List of Presentations

  1. talk, Altruism in Science and Teaching: A Reflection For All of Us, V Semana da Matemática, UFLA, Sept 2021
  2. short talk, Geometric Algebra-Valued Cohomology, I Reunião Mineira de Matemática, Sept 2021
  3. lecture, Foundations of Mathematics and Physics, Math-Phys-Cat Seminars, May 2021
  4. lecture, Axiomatic Frameworks to Classical Mechanics, Math-Phys-Cat Seminars, May 2021
  5. lecture, Axiomatic Frameworks to Quantum Mechanics, Math-Phys-Cat Seminars, May 2021
  6. double lecture, Algebraic Topology: Beyond Singular Cohomology, Seminário de Topologia Algébrica, UFMG, May 2021.
  7. talk, On Existence and Transport of Functorial Invariants, Math-Phys-Cat Seminars, March 2021
  8. talk, Geometric Regularity on Regular Manifolds, I Encontro Brasileiro em Teoria das Categorias, UFES, 2021
  9. plenary talk, Teoria das Categorias e o Sexto Problema de Hilbert, I Encontro Brasileiro em Teoria das Categorias, UFES, Jan 2021
  10. short talk, Lie Algebroidal Categories and Lie Algebroids, Encontro de Jovens Algebristas, UFMG, Feb 2020
  11. talk, Topological and Geometric Obstructions on Einstein-Hilbert-Palatini Theories, Group for Fundamental Physics Seminars, UFMG, 2019
  12. talk, The Mathematical Foundations of Physics, Colóquio da Matemática, UFLA, Sep 2018
  13. talk, The Cobordism Hypothesis, Group for Fundamental Physics Seminars, UFMG, 2018
  14. double lecture, Towards an Approach to Hilbert’s Sixth Problem, I SEMAT, UFLA, Sep 2017
  15. talk, Teoria das Categorias nos Fundamentos da Física, Colóquio da Matemática, UFLA, 2016
  16. talk, Basic Topics in Ring Theory, Advanced Algebra Seminars, UFMG, 2016
  17. talk, Teorema da Singularidade de Hawking:Um Início Para o Universo, Colóquio da Matemática, UFLA, 2015
  18. poster, Categories With Weak Equivalences and (,1)(\infty,1) -Categories, I WMMA, UFLA, Oct 2015
  19. poster CW-Complex Decompositions via Morse Theory, I WMMA, UFLA, Oct 2015